Become Her

Rediscover your true self

Under Construction - stay tuned

"The hypnosis has been life-changing so far. There have been radical internal shifts occurring inside me, and driving my car seems to be less anxiety-producing. Also, the Friday session with the group —making me want to compose music daily"

Greg T.

"For as long as I can remember, I have self sabotaged myself and had very limited self-beliefs. I could never seem to get to that next level because I always got in my own way until Lynn worked her magic on me. Between NLP and hypnosis, Lynn got to the root of the problems and inihalated my very deeply rooted paradigms. I no longer self sabotage, nor do I have any more limited beliefs. She is a true magician. Lynn is very warm and easy to open up to. I felt very comfortable sharing some very personal experiences and information. I highly recommend working with Lynn"

Zoé A.

What people are saying

"So I actually was able to find the perfect subletter for my apt in NY which allowed me to make the trip to Jamaica.  I'm enjoying my time in the countryside by the beach while writing my book.  I kept on telling myself I can make it happen and I did!  Thank you so much for your hypnosis session!"

Brenee R.

“I was experiencing feelings of overwhelm that stemmed from being stuck and uncomfortable in my skin. I turn to Lynn because I knew I needed some guidance and assistance in letting go of some things that were in my way. Lynn set right to work with her healing techniques and guided me through some powerful Time Line Therapy tm that allowed me to release some baggage. She has a lovely, warm approach and I felt very comfortable and fortunate to have found her. Lynn is a skilled and professional who provides a safe and comforting environment in which to explore some of the deeper things that hold us back I highly recommend working with her!”


This has been an amazing journey, and so much more than hypnosis. Our sessions together have altered and changed the direction of my life by the amazing conversations that we had, which challenged my belief system and remove mental filters in my thinking process.

I am astounded that our first hypnosis session removed a mental filter in my life, and now driving is easier with less anxiety, especially nighttime driving. How can we explain the miracle, that for some reason, I suddenly discovered that the road had reflectors on it to help one with night driving. Truly, the the filters in our minds don't allow us to see things that are there, and now the filter through hypnosis has been removed. I feel so much more confident driving at night.

I am also grateful for the help in getting over the roadblock to composing music more consistently.

Lynn helped me in ways that I don't even realize, yet something has shifted deep within me, and I am truly a different person at the end of the process.

The investment in me was so worth the money, time and effort because I'm living a more authentic self with much less than anxiety, insights in life, and more joy in living.

Thank you Lynn!

Greg T.

"I was very impressed and overjoyed with the manner in which Lynn took me through the process of Time Line Therapy. I was able to release issues from my past that had been holding me back. What a wonderful coach in helping me move forward in life."

Karen T.

I haven’t dieted. I have not exercised. I simply changed my own life. I was stressed. I was not living a fulfilled life. I was not putting myself first. I was full of anger and frustration that my life is no longer in thriving mode, but surviving mode. I was the heaviest I had ever been then. Barely fitting into the same clothes I had worn for 5+ years. I simply put myself in my needs first after careful thought and understanding of what I was doing. Making decisions for ME. Sorting through and understanding my emotions and actions that got me there, forgiving myself, and understanding that I learned so many beautiful lessons that are now helping me thrive - helped my body shipped to a new body I hardly recognize. And I'm just getting started. I came to these decisions on my own, but with careful guidance and support from my amazing mind shift coach, become her Lynn Proulx I was able to confirm that my decisions were influenced by me and for me.

Kirsha F.